The New Credit Regime: How will Bad Credit Car Buyers Benefit?

Buying a car and arranging for an auto loan go hand in hand. Whether it is your first car or your fifth car, you will require an auto loan at some point. While arranging for an auto loan, your credit score becomes the yardstick to measure your credit worthiness. A bad credit rating means auto loan rejection. However, there is a way out. Three major credit rating companies, namely, Equifax, Experian and TransUnion have decided to eliminate and exclude certain customer information from the credit reports. And, it will have a positive impact on your credit score.

The New Regime: What´s in it for Bad Credit Car Buyers?

Upsurge in Credit Scores

The new change relates to all civil debts and many tax liens. Civil debts and tax liens are enlisted under `Public Records Section´ of the credit report as they are unpaid tax bills. Unless there is elaboration of information, the credit bureaus will remove the debts and liens from one´s credit score. As a result, those who suffer from a bad credit score will see a hike in their score by approximately 20 points.

Higher Probability of Approval

The elimination of the civil debts and tax liens will increase your credit score. As a result, the chances of obtaining an auto loan will improve for bad credit car buyers. The new credit policy is implemented from 1st of July, 2017. Make sure that you have revised your credit report in order to get a better shot at getting approval for an auto loan.

Favorable Interest Rates

Lenders charge bad credit car buyers with high interest rates due to a damaged credit history. However, once your credit score increases, the interest rates will decrease. Therefore, the new credit regime will help bad credit car buyers to obtain an auto loan with favorable interest rates.


Improved Car Choices

The car choices for a credit challenged individual are limited. Lenders are comfortable to lend out money for a used car. However, the increase in the credit score due to the new regime can bring multiple car choices for a buyer. A bad credit car buyer with an increased credit score can avail an auto loan for a new car as well as a used car. Thus, a bad credit car buyer will have multiple car options to choose from.

Any change in any system causes panic. As a result, lenders will become cautious in approving future auto loans. Additionally, the cut off rates for credit approval may take a hike. However, the 1st July credit change will largely benefit bad credit car buyers. The increase in your credit score will be a means to improve your credit-worthiness in the eyes of your lender.

Considering the new changes, the imperative step would be to know your current credit score and grab every opportunity to improve it. An improved credit score will be an easy way to avail an auto loan for your next dream car.


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